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Hello World

hello world

The above Flow highlights a few basic points.

Receiver Block

All Flows require a Receiver Block as the entry point.

We've put a default object in it so we can run from the editor.

If you are launching this Flow via an API call, then the API can provide the data that will be used by the Receiver.

Javascript Block

This shows a simple function that does the following.

  • It expects data from one edge. The first argument equates to the first (and this case only) edge data

{ data: "Hello world!" }
  • It then sends a message to the editor's console pane, logging the message.

  • Finally, it puts input.data on the output edge.

Please refer to the Javascript Block for full details.


A Flow must end with a Terminator Block. It is possible to have several in one Flow to end branches of the Flow.

You can instruct it to return data to the calling Flow or API, which we are not doing in this example.

This is important if

  • The Flow is a Subflow and is expected to pass data back to the calling Flow.

  • If you are launching the Flow from an API call and require data in the response payload.

Last modified: 10 February 2025