Ziggy - Services and Product Help


Ziggy supports the following alert types.

  • System memory and CPU.

  • Fatal and timed out Flow executions.

  • Queue size exceeding a user defined threshold.

  • The Javascript Block can generate a system alert.

Alert Log

You can view the alert log from the Logs menu item.

alert log
  • Flow execution errors will show an Open button, You can click on this to view the failed execution.

  • Note the USER entry. This has been generated by a Javascript Block and can include "extra data".

Digest emails

Ziggy checks the log every minute. If it finds new items where notifications have not been sent, it combines these into a digest email.


Note that only the text from the last alert of each type is included. You should inspect the Log listing to see all details.

Global Settings - Alerts

The Alert section of Global Settings manages all alert settings except for Queue threshold settings (see Queue Settings below).

Alert settings


You can choose to purge the entire log immediately using the Purge all button.

Alternatively, you can create an "older than" purge value. This will remove any log items that are older than today's date less this value. This will run according to your Auto Vacuum schedule.

Errored Executions

If you enable this, alerts are generated and added to the Log for any failed Flow executions. Emails will be sent to those users who are set ti receive alerts.

You can set the frequency with which the Execution History is checked.

Queue overflows

You can enable or disable this alert type. The actual queue size alert threshold value is set in the Queue section og Global Settings.

System resources

You can set the frequency with which the system resources are checked. If you set a value to 0, then the check will not be performed.

Global Settings - Queues

This shows your defined Queues along with the rate limit values and alert threshold. Click on a Queue row to change these values.

If the Queue size exceeds the threshold and alert will be generated.

Last modified: 10 February 2025