The Secrets Manager can be accessed from the nav bar.

Add/Edit secret
To add a new secret, press the +Secret button. Click on the row to edit an existing secret.

The Name field should not contain spaces and is limited to characters that are permitted in a Javascript variable.
Add Tags if you have a lot of secrets and want to find them from the main secrets listing.
Development and Production values
A secret should always have a development value. This also acts as the production value if nothing is provided in the Production value field.
Ziggy will select the appropriate value at runtime. See also Dev/Prod modes.
From where do I reference secrets?
There are two places where you reference a secret.
When defining a Connection, you can specify a secret.

Javascript Block
You can reference a connection in a Javascript Block like this.
const apiKey = secrets.NORTHWIND_DB_PASSWORD
Last modified: 10 February 2025