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Manifest file

You register your new component in a manifest file. The Hubspot Write Block is a part of a collection of blocks, so we add it to CollectionsManifest.

export const BlocksManifest: BlockDefinitionProps[] = [ CommanderV1Block, ReceiverBlock, TerminatorBlock, JavascriptBlock, DataStoreBlock, MemStoreBlock, EnrichStoreV1Block, IteratorV1Block, BatchEndBlock, SplitterBlock, RESTBlock, BranchBlock, CollectorBlockV1, MergerV1Block, AnnotationBlock, SubflowBlock, SQLBlock, SFTPBlock, ConverterBlock, ] export const CollectionsManifest: CollectionDefinitionProps[] = [ { blocks: [ HSCollectionReadV1Block, HSCollectionWriteV1Block, HSCollectionOwnerV1Block, HSCollectionAssociationsGetV1Block, HsCollectionAssociationsSetV1Block, HsCollectionAttachmentsGetV1Block, HsCollectionAttachmentsSetV1Block, ], collectionName: 'Hubspot Collection', collectionDescription: 'Hubspot API functionality wrapper blocks', }, ]
Last modified: 10 February 2025