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Export to Hubspot

We can export the companies, deals and line items to Hubspot. This does the following.

  • Writes the data to Hubspot

  • Gets the Hubspot ids of the newly created objects

  • We write these ids to the data store so we can write the associations to Hubspot in the last step.

The Flow

Again, we'll only look at the Company export as the others are almost identical.

  1. We read from the Data Store, which is where the import saved the data. Note that this is a Batched operation, so we can handle very large numbers of companies. We are reading batches of 100 as this is the largest number of records the Hubspot allows in a single Batch API call.

  2. We export the data to Hubspot.

  3. We then 'enrich' the data store with the Hubspot object ids (hs_object_id) that were returned from the Hubspot export Block. This enables us to write the Association information to Hubspot once all the data (including deals and line items) has been exported.

Last modified: 10 February 2025