Housekeeping (coming soon)
Lets you perform database management and security oriented housekeeping operations.
You can start Flows that perform housekeeping operations
manually from the Flow editor
However, you can automate certain operations by using the Scheduler to launch them automatically.
Available operations
Flush execution history
You can choose from the following options, which can be combined
Flush before specified Date and time
Termination status (success, timed out, errored)
Specific Flow
Reorganise database
When delete operations are performed in the database, for performance reasons they are flagged for deletion and not actually deleted.
For this reason, it is a good idea to periodically reorganise the database. This does the following
Deletes all records that are flagged for deletion..
Vacuums the database.
Reindexes all tables.
If you have a large database and especially a large amount of data in the Execution History table, this can take a long time. It is best scheduled or performed when there is
You can specify the following option.
Full Vacuum - this will perform the most thorough reorganisation and reclaim maximum disk space. However, the database will be unavailable while it is performed.
Regular Vacuum - this is not as efficient at reclaiming space as Full Vacuum, but it does not block the database. It will, however, slow it down.
Database Dump (coming soon)
This will dump the database to a specified location.
SFTP Server
AWS S3 Bucket
Azure Blob Storage
Google Cloud Storage
Currently, database restore need to be done manually.