Flow editor layout
Below is a simple Flow in the editor.

The general concepts are hopefully self-explanatory but here are some things to point out.
Settings - change the Flow name, timeout, execution history data storage, tags etc.
Flow Info - document/explain your Flow with markdown
Add Block - add a new Block to the canvas.
Clone - clones your Flow.
Test - indicates which Tests this Flow is associated with.
Debug Info - for developers working with source code.
Debug Flow - run and step through your flow using the visual debugger.
Execution History - each time your Flow is executed, it logs it along with the complete flow data (optional).
Named save - you can create a save with a name you choose. You can then restore from this at a later date.
Production/Development - click on this to toggle modes. Each mode has its own secrets and connection settings.
Edges - as a flow executes, data is passed along the edges. You can validate and map the data from one Structure to another. When you click on the bubble, you can inspect the data.
Console - the Javascript Block can write data to this pane with the
method.Flow Execution output - as the Flow executes, each block that executes is displayed here. Any Fatal error details are shown here.
Execution times and Block note
When a Flow has run, the execution time (ms) of each Block is displayed in the header.
You can also add a note to a Block to explain the context better.