Ziggy - Services and Product Help

Data Store

Data Store example

The Data Store is a simple key/value pair store provided by Ziggy. You can, of course, choose to use an external data store, but Ziggy provides one for simplicity.


Although this example uses Hubspot as the data store you could, of course, be getting your data from anywhere.

  • We are telling the Hubspot Utility Block to read data from the Hubspot company object.

  • And we choose the Hubspot connection.

  • Note that this automatically creates a batch loop (see the Batch End Block later in the Flow).

Data Store

We now ask for the edge data to be stored in the Ziggy Data Store.

  • We set the Operation type to Create.

  • We tell it to do an upsert operation (other operations are available).

  • We specify an Entity name and the Key field. This combination is unique in the store.

Batch End

The end of hte batch loop. It will loop back to the Hubspot Block until there is no more data left to process.

Last modified: 10 February 2025