Data Store
The Data Store is a very simple key/value data store that lives in the main Ziggy database. It is not intended for very large scale situations, although it can handle reasonably large volumes of data.
You can always integrate other 3rd part databases or more specialised data store solutions using NPM modules. Please contact us if you require advice on these.
Name and Key
The data store is a Key/Value store but it also provides an additional field name
so you can create a namespace for your data.
The combination of name + key
must be unique within the store.
Data Store Block
The Data Store Block gives you access to Data Store operations without the need to write any Javascript code.
Click here to see an example Flow that uses the Data Store Block.
Javascript API
You can also perform Data Store operations from the Javascript Block. The following methods are available.
Important: all methods are asynchronous.
Method | Description |
| Retrieve keys using
| Retrieve all keys within the specified namespace.
| Retrieve the specified key within the specified namespace.
| Insert a new key into the specified namespace. Will error isf the namespace+key combination already exists.
| Insert a new key into the specified namespace if it doesn't exist, update if it does.
| Update a key/value pair in the specified namespace.
| delete a key/value pair in the specified namespace.
Data Store browser
You can browse and search for data in the Data Store using the Store Browser.