Block Helper
This is the core functionality for the Hubspot Write Block.
Note how this is using the same interface we defined in the client definition.
export const hsCollectionWriteV1Helper = async (
client: Client,
config: BlockConfig_HSCollectionWriteV1,
data: Record<string, any>[],
): Promise<
BatchResponseSimplePublicUpsertObjectWithErrors | BatchResponseSimplePublicUpsertObject
> => {
// Map to required HS object format
const finalData: SimplePublicObjectBatchInputUpsert[] = => {
return {
idProperty: config.uniqueIdPropertyName || '',
id: inputRow[config.uniqueIdPropertyName],
properties: inputRow,
const batch: BatchInputSimplePublicObjectBatchInputUpsert = {
inputs: finalData,
// Upsert to Hubspot
const result = await client.crm.objects.batchApi.upsert(config.objectName, batch)
// Add the Hubspot object id to the returned data
for (const r of result.results) {
const inputData = data.find(
d =>
d[config.uniqueIdPropertyName].toString() ===[config.uniqueIdPropertyName].toString(),
if (inputData) inputData['hs_object_id'] =
return result
Last modified: 10 February 2025